Termeni si conditii de utilizare


1.1 Acești termeni și condiții vor guverna utilizarea de către dvs. a site-ului nostru.

1.2 Prin utilizarea site-ului nostru, acceptați acești termeni și condiții în totalitate; în consecință, dacă nu sunteți de acord cu acești termeni și condiții sau orice parte a acestor termeni și condiții, trebuie să nu utilizați site-ul nostru.

1.3 Dacă vă înregistrați pe site-ul nostru, trimiteți orice material pe site-ul nostru sau folosiți oricare dintre serviciile oferite de site, vă vom cere să fie de acord in mod explicit la acești termeni și condiții.

1.4 Trebuie sa aveti cel putin [18] ani pentru a utiliza site-ul nostru; prin utilizarea site-ul nostru sau prin acordul cu acești termeni și condiții, garantați pentru noi că aveti cel puțin [18] ani.

1.5 Site-ul nostru foloseste cookie-uri; prin utilizarea site-ului nostru sau prin acordul cu acești termeni și condiții, sunteți de acord cu utilizarea cookie-urilor, în conformitate cu termenii politicii noastre de confidențialitate și politica cookie-urilo


2.1 Acest document a fost creat folosind un șablon de la SEQ Legal (http://www.seqlegal.com).

Trebuie să retineti creditul de mai sus. Folosirea acestui document fără credit este o încălcare a drepturilor de autor. Cu toate acestea, puteți achiziționa de la noi un document echivalent care nu include creditul.

Notă privind drepturile de autor

3.1 Drepturi de autor (c) 2016 CIS GAZ SA

3.2 Sub rezerva dispozițiilor explicite ai acestor termeni și condiții:

(a) noi, împreună cu licențiatorii noștri, detinem și controlam toate drepturile de autor și alte drepturi de proprietate intelectuală în site-ul nostru și materialul de pe site-ul nostru; și

(b) toate drepturile de autor și alte drepturi de proprietate intelectuală în site-ul nostru și materialul de pe site-ul nostru sunt rezervate.

Licența de a utiliza site-ul

4.1 Trebuie sa:

(a) Vedeți paginile de pe site-ul nostru într-un browser web;

(b) descărcați pagini de pe site-ul nostru pentru cache într-un browser web;

(c) tipăriți paginile de pe site-ul nostru;

(d) Sustrageti fișiere audio și video de pe site-ul nostru; și

(e) utilizați serviciile noastre de pe site prin intermediul unui browser web,sub rezerva celorlalte prevederi din acesti termeni și condiții.

4.2 Cu excepția celor permise în mod expres în secțiunea 4.1 sau altor prevederi din acești termeni și condiții, nu trebuie să descărcați orice material de pe site-ul nostru sau sa salvați orice astfel de material in calculatorul dumneavoastră.

4.3 Aveți dreptul să utilizați site-ul nostru pentru propriile scopuri personale și de afaceri, și nu trebuie să utilizați site-ul nostru pentru orice alte scopuri.

4.4 Cu excepția celor permise în mod expres de acești termeni și condiții, nu trebuie să editați sau să modificați în alt mod orice material de pe site-ul nostru.

4.5 Excepția cazului în care dețineți sau controlați drepturile relevante în material, nu trebuie:

(a) sa publicati un material de pe site-ul nostru (inclusiv publicarea pe un alt site web);

(b) vinde, închiria sau sub-licenția material de pe site-ul nostru;

(c) arata orice material de pe site-ul nostru în public;

(d) folosi material de pe site-ul nostru în scop comercial;


(e) redistribui materialul de pe site-ul nostru.

4.6 Prin derogare de la punctul 4.5, puteți distribui newsletter-ul nostru în format tipărit și electronic oricărei persoane.

4.7 Ne rezervam dreptul sa restrictionam zonele din site sau chiar tot site-ul.

Acordul pentru utilizare

5.1 Nu trebuie sa:

(a) utilizați site-ul nostru în nici un fel sau sa intreprindeti orice acțiune care cauzează sau poate cauza deteriorarea site-ul sau deteriorarea performanțelor, disponibilitatea și accesibilitatea site-ului;

(b) utilizați site-ul nostru în orice mod care este ilicit, ilegal, fraudulos sau dăunător, sau în legătură cu orice scop sau activități ilicite, ilegale, frauduloase sau dăunătoare;

(c) utilizati site-ul nostru pentru a copia, stoca, gazdui, transmite, trimite, utiliza, publica sau distribui orice material care constă în (sau este legat la) orice spyware, virus de computer, cal troian, vierme, keylogger, rootkit sau alt program de calculator rău intenționat;

(d) să desfăsurati orice activități sistematice sau de colectare automată a datelor (inclusiv, fără a se limita la decopertarea, exploatare a datelor, extragerea datelor și recoltarea de date), sau în legătură cu site-ul nostru fara acordul nostru expres scris;

(e) accesa sau altminteri interacționa cu site-ul nostru, folosind orice robot, spider sau alte mijloace automate, cu excepția cazului in care scopul este de a indexa motorul de căutare;

(f) incalca directivele menționate în fișierul robots.txt pentru site-ul nostru; sau

(g) folosi datele colectate de la site-ul nostru pentru orice activitate de marketing direct (inclusiv, fără a se limita la e-mail marketing, SMS marketing, telemarketing si direct mailing).

[listă suplimentara]

5.2 Nu trebuie să utilizați datele colectate de la site-ul nostru pentru a contacta persoane fizice,

societăți sau alte persoane sau entități.

5.3 Trebuie să vă asigurați că toate informațiile pe care ni le furnizați prin intermediul site-ului nostru, sau în legătură cu site-ul nostru, sunt adevarate, exacte, actuale, complete și nu induc în eroare.

Înregistrare și conturi

6.1 Pentru a fi eligibil pentru un cont pe site-ul nostru în conformitate cu prezenta secțiune 6, trebuie să fiti rezidenti sau sa locuiti în Regatul Unit.

6.2 Vă puteți înregistra pentru un cont pe site-ul nostru prin completarea și depunerea formularului de înregistrare a contului de pe site-ul nostru, și făcând clic pe link-ul de verificare din e-mail pe care site-ul vi-l va trimite.

6.3 Nu trebuie să permiteti oricărei alte persoane să utilizeze contul dvs. pentru a accesa site-ul.

6.4 Trebuie sa ne sesizati acest lucru, în scris, imediat dacă ați constientizat orice utilizare neautorizata a contului.

6.5 Nu trebuie să utilizați contul oricărei alte persoane pentru a accesa site-ul, cu excepția cazului în care aveți permisiunea expresă a acelei persoane de a face acest lucru.

Detaliile de conectare ale utilizatorului

7.1 Daca va inregistrati cu un cont pe site-ul nostrum, o s ava furnizam un id si o parola.

7.2 ID-ul dvs. de utilizator nu trebuie să fie de natură să inducă în eroare și trebuie să respecte regulile de conținut prevăzute în secțiunea 10; nu trebuie să utilizați contul sau ID-ul de utilizator pentru sau în legătură cu impersonificarea oricărei persoane.

7.3 Trebuie să vă păstrați parola confidențială.

7.4 Trebuie sa ne sesizati acest lucru, în scris, imediat, dacă luați cunoștință de orice dezvăluire a parolei.

7.5 Sunteți responsabil pentru orice activitate pe site-ul nostru care rezultă din orice eșec de a păstra confidențialitatea parolei, și poate fi considerată răspunzătoare pentru eventualele pierderi rezultate din aceasta.

Anularea și suspendarea contului

8.1        Am putea:

(a)        sa va suspendam contul;

(b)        sa va anulam contul; și / sau

(c)        sa va editam detaliile contului, în orice moment, la discretia noastra, fara o notificare sau o explicație.

8.2       Puteți anula contul de pe site-ul nostru folosind panoul de control al contului de pe site-ul web.

Conținutul dvs.: Licență

9.1       În acești termeni și condiții, “conținutul” înseamnă toate lucrările și materialele (inclusiv, fără a se limita la text, grafică, imagini, materiale audio, materiale video, materiale audio-vizuale, script-uri, software și fișiere) pe care ni le trimiteți pe site-ul nostru pentru depozitarea sau publicarea , procesarea sau transmiterea prin intermediul site-ului nostru.

9.2 You grant to us a worldwide, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free license to use, reproduce, store, adapt, publish, translate and distribute your content in any existing or future media OR reproduce, store and publish your content on and in relation to this website and any successor website OR reproduce, store and, with your specific consent, publish your content on and in relation to this website.

9.3 You grant to us the right to sub-license the rights licensed under Section 9.2.

9.4 You grant to us the right to bring an action for infringement of the rights licensed under Section

9.5 You hereby waive all your moral rights in your content to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law; and you warrant and represent that all other moral rights in your content have been waived to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law.

9.6 Va puteti edita contul prin utilizarea functiei de editare disponibila pe site.

9.7 Fara a crea prejudiciu celorlalte drepturi din acesti termini si conditii, daca incalcati orice prevedere in orice fel sau daca noi suspectam acest lucru va putem sterge contul.

Your content: rules

10.1 Declarați și garantați că conținutul dvs. se va conforma acestor termeni și condiții.

10.2 Conținutul dvs. nu trebuie să fie ilegal sau ilicit, nu trebuie să încalce drepturile legale niciunei persoane, și nu trebuie să fie de natură să dea naștere la acțiune legală împotriva oricărei persoane (în fiecare caz, în orice jurisdicție și conform oricărei legi aplicabile).

10.3 Continutul dumneavoastra si utilizarea conținutului de către noi, în conformitate cu acești termeni și condiții, nu trebuie să:

(a) să fie calomnios sau cu premeditare falsă;

(b) fie obscen sau indecent;

(c) sa incalce niciun drept de autor, drept moral, dreptul bazei de date, dreptul de marcă, desen sau model, chiar si în offline, sau un alt drept de proprietate intelectuală;

(d)        încalce nici un drept de încredere, dreptul la intimitate sau drept sub legislației privind protecția datelor;

(e)        constituie un aviz de neglijență sau să conțină nici o declarație neglijenta;

(f)         constituie o incitare la comiterea unei infracțiuni, instrucțiuni pentru comiterea unei infracțiuni sau promovarea activității infracționale;

(g)        fie la sfidarea oricărei instanțe, sau cu încălcarea oricărei hotărâri judecătorești;

(h)        sa instige la ură rasială sau religioasă sau discriminare a legislației;

(i)         să fie blasfemic;

(j)         sa incalce legislația oficială a secretelor;

(k)        sa incalce nici o obligație contractuală datorata oricărei persoane;

(l)         descrie violența într-o manieră explicită, grafică sau gratuită;

(m)      fie cu caracter pornografic, indecent, sugestiv sau continut sexual explicit; (n)        să fie neadevarat, fals, inexact sau care induce în eroare;

(o)        consist of or contain any instructions, advice or other information which may be acted upon and could, if acted upon, cause illness, injury or death, or any other loss or damage;

(p) constitutes spam;

(q) be offensive, misleading, fraudulent, threatening, abusive, harassing, anti-social, threatening, hateful, discriminatory or inflammatory; or

(r) cause unnecessary annoyance, discomfort or anxiety to any person.

Limited warranties

11.1 We do not guarantee or represent:

(a) the completeness or accuracy of the information published on our website; (b) that the material on the site is currently up to date; or

(c) that the site or any other service on the site will remain available.

11.2 We reserve the right to interrupt or modify one or all of the services of our site, as well as to stop publishing on the site, at any time, unilaterally, without notice or explanation; and to save to the extent expressly provided otherwise in these terms and conditions, you will not be entitled to any compensation or other payment to the discontinuance or modification of any services on the site, or if we cease publishing the site.

11.3 To the fullest extent permitted by applicable law and subject to section 12.1, we exclude all representations and warranties regarding the subject matter of these terms and conditions, the site and the use of our site.

Limitations and exclusions of liability

12.1 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall:

(a) limits or excludes any liability for death or personal injury resulting from negligence;

(b) limits or excludes any liability for fraud or fraudulent deception;

(c) limit any debts in any way that is not permitted under the law in force; or

(d) exclude any debts which cannot be excluded in accordance with the legislation in force.

12.2 Limitations and exclusions of liability provided for in this section 12 and elsewhere in these

Terms and conditions:

(a) are subject to section 12.1; and

(b) govern all liabilities arising out of or in connection with these terms and conditions, including liabilities arising from the contract, from unlawful acts (including negligence), and for breach of legal obligation, unless in which it expressly provides otherwise in these terms and conditions.

12.3 To the extent that our site, as well as the information and services on the site are provided free of charge,

we will not be liable for any loss or damage of any kind.

12.4 We will not be liable to you for any losses incurred from any event or events beyond our reasonable control.

12.5 We will not be liable to you for any loss of business, including (but not limited to) the loss or impairment of profits, income, use, production, anticipated savings, business, contracts, business opportunities or goodwill.

12.6 We will not be liable to you for any loss or corruption of any

data, databases or software.

12.7 We will not be liable to you for any special, indirect or consequential losses or damages.

12.8 You accept that we have an interest in limiting the personal liability of our officers and employees and, having regard to that interest, you acknowledge that we are a limited liability entity; you agree that you will not bring any claim personally against our officers or employees in respect of any losses you suffer in connection with the website or these terms and conditions (this will not, of course, limit or exclude the liability of the limited liability entity itself for the acts and omissions of our officers and employees).

Failure to comply with these terms and conditions

13.1 Without prejudice to other rights we have under these terms and conditions, if you breach these terms and conditions in any way, or if we reasonably suspect that you have violated these terms and conditions, we may in any way:

(a) send you one or more official warnings; (b) temporarily suspend your access to our site;

(c) to permanently prohibit you from accessing our site;

(d) block your computer using the IP address from accessing our site;

(e) contact internet service providers and request that they restrict your access to our website;

(f) bring an action against you, or for breach of contract; and / or

(g) to suspend or delete your account on our site.

13.2 In the event that we suspend or prohibit or block you from accessing our site or any part of the site, you must not take any action to circumvent this suspension or prohibition or blocking (including, without limit to creating and / or using another account).


14.1 We may revise these terms and conditions from time to time.

14.2 The revision of the terms and conditions shall apply to the users of the site from the date of publication of the revision, and you hereby waive any right you may otherwise have to be notified of, or to consent to, revisions of these terms and conditions.] OR [We will give you written notice of any revision of these terms and conditions, and the revised terms and conditions will apply to the use of our website from the date that we give you such notice; if you do not agree to the revised terms and conditions, you must stop using our website.

14.3 If you have expressly agreed to these terms and conditions, we will request your express consent to any revision of these terms and conditions; and if you do not expressly agree to the revised terms and conditions within the time period we specify, we will deactivate or delete your account on the Site, and you must stop using the Site.

15.1 You agree that we may assign, transfer, sub-contract to deal with the rights and / or obligations of these terms and conditions.

15.2 You may not transfer or subcontract any rights and / or obligations under these terms and conditions without our consent.


16.1 If a provision of these terms and conditions is determined by any court or other competent authority to be illegal and / or inapplicable, the other provisions shall continue in force.

16.2 If any illegal and / or inapplicable provision of these terms and conditions is legal or enforceable if part of it has been deleted, that part will be considered deleted and the rest of the provision will remain in force.

Third party rights

17.1 A contract under these terms and conditions is for our benefit and for your benefit, and is not intended to benefit or be enforceable by a third party.

17.2 The exercise of the rights of the parties under a contract on the basis of these terms and conditions is not subject to the consent of a third party.

The whole agreement

18.1 Subject to section 12.1, these terms and conditions, together with our privacy policy and cookies, constitute the entire agreement between you and us regarding your use of our site and supersede all prior agreements between you and us. us in connection with your use of our site.

Applicable law and jurisdiction

19.1 These terms and conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law.

19.2 Any disputes relating to these terms and conditions shall be subject to the exclusive or non-exclusive jurisdiction of

courts in England.

Statutory and regulatory presentations

20.1 Our company is registered in the trade register; you can find the online version of the register at the following URL, and our registration number is J26 / 838/1991

20.2 We are subject to an authorization scheme, which is supervised by the supervision.

20.3 We are registered as a professional body title in the United Kingdom and are subject to rules, which can be found at the URL.

20.4 We subscribe to the code of conduct, which can be consulted in electronic format at the following URL.

20.5 Our VAT number is 19%


21.1 This website is owned and operated by [name].

21.2 Our company is registered in England and Wales under registration number [number], and our official headquarters are at [address].

21.3 You can contact us:

Terms and conditions for the site: editorial notes

This is a free version of our standard website terms and conditions document. It is identical to that document, save that this version includes an SEQ legal credit. In addition to the provisions that would typically be included in any set of website terms and conditions, this document includes provisions covering user accounts and user-generated content. If your website does not feature user accounts or interactive features, you may wish to consider our website disclaimer document instead of these terms and conditions.

Section 1: Introduction

Section 1.2

Optional element.

The completed document must be easily accessible on the website, with a link on each page.

Section 1.3

Optional element. Will all users give their consent in terms of this document?

Ideally, from a legal point of view, all users would have been asked to expressly agree to the terms of the document. However, in practice, express consent is less common from occasional site visitors. On the other hand, it is easy to obtain the express consent of users who register on the site or to submit any material on the site, for example, by clicking on “Accept” on an electronic version of the document. Evidence of acceptance of the terms of the document by each such user should be kept.

•  Under what conditions users will be asked to give their express consent to the terms this document?

Section 1.4

Optional element. Are there any age restrictions on using the site?

The use of the sites by minors can be legally problematic. There are a number of different legal issues. For example, under English law, contracts may be inapplicable to minors. Another issue concerns data protection. The Data Protection Act imposes additional burdens on the processing of any personal data of a minor and personal data provided by a minor. The effects of the law may also depend on whether a website is accessible to minors. Obviously, the inclusion of a requirement in the terms and conditions that minors refrain from using a site is no guarantee that they will do so. If your site is targeted, or could be used by minors, we recommend to seek specialized legal advice.

•  What is the minimum age for site users?

Section 1.5

Optional item. The website uses cookies (including session cookies and third-party cookies part)?

The inclusion of this statement in your legal documents on the website will not meet the requirements of privacy and electronic communications (EC Directive) of 2003 (as amended) on consent to the use of cookies. Guidance on how to obtain this consent is included on the Information Commissioner’s website (http://www.ico.gov.uk).

What is the title of the document on the site that contains cookie information

Section 2: Credit

Section: Free License Warning Documents

Optional item. Although you need to keep the credit, you should remove the warning

regarding the inline copyright in this document before use.

Section 3: Copyright Notice

Section 3.1

What was the year of the first publication of the relevant copyright material (over the years)?

Who is the main copyright owner of the site?

Section 4: License to use the site

The scope of the license to use will vary from site to site. Carefully consider exactly what users should be allowed to do with your website and the material on your site.

Section 4.1

Will audio and / or video files be published on the website?

Will the site provide any dynamic services to users?

Describe the services of the site in question.

Section 4.2

Optional item.

Section 4.3

Optional item.

For what purposes can the site be used?

Section 4.4

Optional item.

Section 4.6

Optional item. Are users allowed to distribute any specific content on the website (e.g. newsletters)?

What types of content are redistributable?

In what format?

To whom are they redistributable?

Section 5: Agreement for use

Section 5.1

Should automatic interactions with the site be banned?

Will the site incorporate a robots.txt file?

Will users be prohibited from using the site for direct marketing?

Section 5.2

Optional element. The use of data collected from the website for contact should be prohibited

people and businesses?

Section 5.3

Optional element.

What standard of veracity, etc. should the registered user meet?

Section 6: Registration and Accounts

Section 6.1

Optional element. Do any eligibility criteria apply for the registration account?

What eligibility criteria apply?

Section 6.2

How do users register on the site?

Section 6.3

Optional element. Will users be allowed to disclose the account?

Section 6.4

Optional element.

Section 6.5

Optional element.

• Users are allowed to use another person’s account on the site with permission the other person?

Section 7: User login details

Section 7.1

 How will the login details be generated?

 • What account credentials will users have when creating the account?

Section 9.4

Optional element. Should the site operator be granted the right to bring an action in respect of third party infringements?

Section 9.5

Optional element. Should users be asked to waive their moral rights (such as paternity and the right to oppose pejorative treatment) in the content of the website?

Section 9.6

Optional element. can users edit their own content after it has been posted on the site?

Section 10: Your content: rules

Section 10.2

This general ban on illegal user content can be supplemented by rules on certain types of illegalities, as well as bans on legal but unwanted content.

Section 10.3

Optional element.

Do you want to expressly prohibit the publication by users of information regarding the commission of illegalities and the promotion of illegal activities?

•  Should the illustration of violence be banned?

•  Should the illustration of violence be limited?

•  Should pornographic material be banned?

•  Should false, inaccurate or misleading content be prohibited?

•  Should potentially dangerous consulting be banned?

•  Should spam be banned?

•  Should offensive material be banned?

•  Should disturbing material be banned?

•  Section 11: Limited warranties

Section 11.1

Optional element.

Section 11.2

Optional element.

Section 12: Limitations and Exclusions of Liability

Contractual limitations and exclusions of liability are regulated and controlled by law, and courts may exclude that certain limitations and exclusions of liability in contracts are impossible to apply. The courts are particularly likely to intervene if a party wishes to rely on a limitation or exclusion of liability in its standard terms and conditions, but will also sometimes intervene if a time limit was negotiated individually. The courts are most likely to rule that the provisions excluding liability from those with limited liability are impossible to enforce. If there is a risk that any limitation or exclusion of liability will be invalidated by the courts, this provision should be drafted as an independent term and numbered separately from the other provisions. This may improve the chances of a limitation or exclusion of liability being considered enforceable if the party wishing to rely on it has particularly attracted the attention of the other party before the contract entered into force. Unless the relevant term meets the requirements of reasonableness, such contracts may not exclude or limit liability: (i) for negligence (which includes a breach of an express or implied contractual obligation to care or exercise reasonable skill) (section 2 (2), UCTA); or (ii) for distortion (section 3, Misrepresentation Act 1967). In addition, if a contract is governed by UCTA and one of the parties deals with the standard business terms, then unless the relevant contractual term satisfies the requirements of reasonableness the other party may not: (i) exclude or limit liability for breach of contract; or (ii) claims to have the right to perform a contractually different contractual performance than reasonably expected of him; or (iii) claims to be entitled, in respect of all or any part of its contractual obligations, to interpret any contractual performance at all (see section 3, UCTA). UCTA includes various other restrictions, in particular in the case of contracts for the sale of goods and contracts through which possession or ownership of the goods passes. If you wish to try to limit / exclude liability for reckless, deliberate, personal and / or repudiating breaches of contract, you should specify this in connection with the relevant provision (for example, using the following wording: “Limitations and Exemption from Liability in this clause [number] shall apply regardless of whether or not they are liabilities in question arising from any reckless, deliberate, personal and / or repudiating behavior or breach of contract ”). In many circumstances, however, courts will find these types of limitations and exclusions to be impossible to apply. Some rules apply to different limitations on liability in the case of consumer contracts, and these provisions should not be used in connection with such contracts. These guidance notes provide a very incomplete and basic overview of a complex topic. Consequently, you should seek legal advice if you may wish to rely on a limitation or exclusion of liability.

Section 12.1

Do not delete this provision (except for legal advice). Without this provision, limitations and exclusions of liability in the specific document are more likely to be enforceable.

Section 12.3

Optional element. Do you want to try to exclude any liability for free services and information?

This type of exclusion is quite common, but is unlikely to be enforceable in court.

Section 12.5

Optional element.

Section 12.6

Optional element.

Section 12.7

Optional element.

“Consistent loss” has a special meaning in English law: it means any loss which, although not naturally resulting from the infringement, was specifically contemplated by the parties when the contract was concluded.

Section 12.8

Optional element. If the site operator is a limited liability entity (for example, a limited liability company), do you want to expressly exclude liability from officers and employees?

Section 13: Failure to comply with these terms and conditions

Section 13.1

Will you be able to suspend or delete your account?

Section 13.2

Optional element.

Do you want to specify the types of actions that are prohibited here?

Detail the types of actions that are prohibited.

Section 14: Variation

Changes to legal documents published on a site will generally not be retroactive and variations without notice and / or consent of relevant users may be ineffective.

Section 14.2

Will site users be notified of document changes?

Section 14.3

Optional element. Will registered users be required to consent to variations?

Section 17: Third party rights

Optional element.

Section 18: Entire agreement

Section 18.1

What other documents will govern the use of the site?

Section 19: Law and jurisdiction

There are two distinct questions about the questions from which the law governs a document and whether disputes concerning the document can be resolved.

Section 19.1

This document has been prepared in order to comply with English law, and the provisions of the law governing it should not be changed without obtaining specialist advice from a qualified lawyer in the appropriate jurisdiction. In some circumstances, courts will apply the provisions of local law, such as local competition law or consumer protection law, regardless of a choice of law clause.

Section 19.2

In certain circumstances, your jurisdiction clause may be replaced by the courts.

Section 20: Statutory and regulatory disclosures

Do the Electronic Commerce Rules (EC Directive) of 2002 apply to the site or is the site operator registered for VAT?

This section may be deleted if the site operator is not registered for VAT and the Electronic Commerce Rules (EC Directive) of 2002 do not apply. In general, these regulations will only apply if a website is entirely non-commercial, ie if a website does not offer any goods or services and does not involve any remuneration (which includes the remuneration for performing AdSense or other forms of advertising).

Section 20.1

Optional item. Is the site operator registered in a trade register or similar register, which is available to the public?

The Electronic Commerce Rules (EC Directive) 2002 stipulate that if you are “registered in a trade register or a register similar to that available to the public”, you must provide details of the register in which the service provider is registered and the registration number, or equivalent to the means of identification in that register ”.

What is the name of the Register?

At what URL can it be found?

What is the operator’s website?

Section 20.2

Optional element. Is the site operator subject to an authorization regime (for example, in accordance with financial services legislation)?

The Rules of Electronic Commerce EC Directive 2002 stipulate that “if the provision of the service is subject to an authorization regime” you must provide “the data of the competent supervisory authority”.

What is the name of the site operator’s authorization system?

What authority oversees the authorization system?

Section 20.3

Optional element. Is the service provider a member of a regulated profession (for example, lawyers)?

The Electronic Commerce Rules (EC Directive) 2002 provide that, if “the service provider pursues a regulated profession”, he must provide (i) the details of any professional body or similar institution with which the service provider is registered; (ii) his professional title and the Member State in which that title was granted; (iii) a reference to the professional rules applicable to the service provider in the Member State of establishment and the means of accessing them ‘.

What is the professional title of the site operator?

Which professional body regulates the site operator?

On the basis of which competence was the professional title granted?

What is the name of the document that contains the rules governing the profession?

At which URL can the rules be found?

Section 20.4

Optional element. Is the site operator subscribed to any codes of conduct?

The Electronic Commerce Rules (EC Directive) 2002 provide that “a service provider must indicate which relevant Codes of Conduct it has subscribed to and provide information on how these codes can be consulted electronically”.

Identify the codes of conduct in question.

Where can the codes be viewed?

Section 20.5

Optional element. Is the site operator registered for VAT?

What is the VAT number of the site operator?

Section 21: Details

Optional element.

Companies must provide their corporate name, their registration numbers, their place of registration and the address of the registered office on their websites (although not necessarily in this document). individual traders and partnerships operating under a “trade name” (i.e. a name other than the trader’s name / partners ’names or certain other classes specified by name) must make certain disclosures on the site: (i) in the case of a trader unique, the person’s name; (Ii) in the case of a partnership, the name of each member of the partnership; and (iii) in both cases, in relation to each person named, an address at which the service or any related document in any business will be effective. All sites subject to the E-Commerce Rules (EC Directive) 2002 must provide a geographical address (not a PO Box number) as well as an e-mail address. All site operators subject to the provision of services since 2009 must also provide a telephone number.

Section 21.1

What is the name of the company, partnership, individual or legal entity that owns and manages the site?

Section 21.2

Optional element. Is the person in question a company?

In which jurisdiction is the company registered?

What is the company registration number or equivalent?

What is the registered address of the company?

Section 21.3

Optional element.

What is the head office of the person concerned or the main office?

Section 21.4

Optional element.

By what means can the person concerned be contacted?

What is the postal address of the person concerned?


Email address.
